

Sustainability at NOBA

Long-term financial stability and growth

As a bank, NOBA is part of an industry affecting the economy of millions of households and we are heavily dependent on the trust from both customers, authorities and investors to ensure long-term financial stability in our own operations as well as in society. To succeed in creating and maintaining trust, we also acknowledge that sustainable development is an important and integral part in the pursuit of long-term value creation for customers, employees, owners, investors, suppliers and partners.

To enable financial health for more people

As part of the business model, NOBA want to ensure that we integrate sustainability into all aspects of our operations, including in our strategy to create value for all stakeholders. Our groupwide purpose is to enable financial health for more people, through a responsible lending to our customers. That is the fundamental core of our business.

Latest Sustainability Report

Walk the Talk

"For us it's about walking the talk and acting responsibly towards customers, owners, the company and society at large. To succeed, sustainability needs to be a natural and integral part of the business"

- Jacob Lundblad, CEO


ISS ESG Corporate Rating

The ISS ESG Corporate Rating assesses a company's management of ESG issues on the basis of up to 100 rating criteria, based on the level of materiality to the company's sector.

On October 29 2024, NOBA received a C- grade from the rating agency ISS ESG in its assessment of the bank's sustainability efforts. This rating positions NOBA in the top tier among Nordic and European specialist banks, highlighting that our high ambitions in sustainability are recognized externally.


NOBA's ESG journey

Follow NOBA´s sustainability journey.


  • Became a signatory of UN Principles of Responsible Banking and a member of UN Environmental Programme Finance Initiative
  • NOBA received a C- grade from the rating agency ISS ESG Corporate on October 29


  • Launched green loans at Nordax and Svensk Hypotekspension
  • The first Healthonomics report was published
  • Took the first step with the Sustainability Report to write it in align to the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
  • Conducted its first double materiality assessment (DMA)


  • Published a standalone sustainability report covering the whole NOBA Group
  • Started to report according to the EU Taxonomy


  • The first Relationship report was published


  • NOBA, through its subsidiary Bank Norwegian, publishes a standalone
    sustainability report


  • NOBA became a signatory of the UN Global Compact


  • NOBA started to report on financial health, employee relations, and corporate governance
Nordax image

Contact us

Comments or suggestions regarding NOBA’s sustainability work and ambitions, send an email to:

Noba Logo

NOBA Bank Group AB (publ)
Gävlegatan 22
113 30 Stockholm 556647-7286
Registered Office: Stockholm

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